Andrew has been engaged with the military and police for over 40 years, serving in the Royal Air Force, UK National Police, Abu Dhabi Police and as an International Police Trainer. He has achieved success in many operational and training roles, and as a manager, often working in challenging and high-stress environments. He has employed his skills in national and international forensic arenas to improve policing and educate military personnel in forensic operational practices, management and leadership.
His areas of specialization are in the fields of criminalistic forensic investigation, including crime scene examination, managing and coordinating forensic resources, covert forensic practices, and collecting and applying forensic intelligence.
Andrew has worked within government departments on various projects; during his work with the UK Home Office, as a Subject Matter Expert, he developed and reviewed national policing projects, and policing training programs to identify knowledge gaps and training deficiencies.
During his six years with Abu Dhabi Police as a Forensic Strategic and Tactical Advisor, his role included:
CSI training design, development, delivery and assessment of a wide range of courses.
Working within academic and vocational training frameworks, developing, managing and instructing on the Academic Diploma in Crime Scene Investigation (International) Accredited and Quality Assured by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
Major role in design, documentation and CAA accreditation of an academic Crime Scene Examination Diploma on behalf of Rabdan Academy.
He was recently awarded a Masters of Letters (MLitt), with merit, in Terrorism Studies from the esteemed University of St Andrews, Scotland. His dissertation subject, 'Criminalistics forensic intelligence (FORINT) has been slow in being adopted into UK Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) as a proactive tool in the fight against terrorism. Why is this and how can this be rectified?'
Andrew is currently a Professional Doctorate Student in the Policing, Crime and Security Department with the University of West London. He is researching the impact of Forensic Intelligence on UK policing, specifically, if this unique intelligence is being proactively exploited to combat crime and identify those who are or may become, involved in major crime and terrorism.
In addition, Andrew is collaborating with a UK police force researching how forensic intelligence is harvested and shared within the scientific services department and plans to continue this work with other forces in the future.