
Andrew offers a range of consultancy initiatives and training in the areas he has experience, knowledge and competencies. Apart from the skills and experience he has accrued over the years in the military and policing he has an extensive professional network of trusted friends who can assist in projects to provide quality inputs to enhance policing, crime detection and security.

Please get in contact if you require any assistance in the following subject areas:

  • Policing Skills

  • Forensic Intelligence

  • Crime Scene Examination, Management and Coordination

  • Forensic Training

  • Forensics within Policing

  • Project Management

  • Risk Management

  • Project Deliverables and Client Expectation Management

  • Training Management

  • Course Design and Development

  • Corporate Training Management

  • Course Administration

  • Course Accreditation

With an extensive network of international and national policing experts, Andrew can offer many other services and training within policing. Feel free to contact Andrew to discuss any projects, research or training without any obligation.