Professional Development

PhD Policing, Crime and Security

Currently undertaking a PhD researching the development of forensic intelligence in UK policing.

MLitt Terrorism Studies

Terrorism Studies Masters Degree Merit study with the University of St Andrews, Scotland. The title of the dissertation was ‘Criminalistics forensic intelligence (FORINT) has been slow in being adopted into UK Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) as a proactive tool in the fight against terrorism. Why is this and how can it be tackled?’

Crime Scene Coordinator,

Development of experienced Crime Scene Manager to the next level, allowing them to enhance skills in managing complex incidents and multiple crime scenes. The course involved participation in a syndicate exercise run over three days, with the development of a forensic strategy.

Dealing with Disaster,

Course intended for experienced Crime Scene Managers to enable the management and examination of scenes identified as major disasters. Included body recovery and evidence management to international standards.

Crime Scene Management

Development of scene management skills of experienced Crime Scene Investigators in order to undertake the role of Crime Scene Manager at a major incident scene. Facilitated through a program of assessment and external verification of skills and knowledge.SJF Workshop

Workshop to refresh and develop skills for curriculum design and development, including writing appropriate course Aims, Objectives and Learning Outcomes for the appropriate level of learning.

Scenes of Crime Development Course,

Develop practical skills and enhance knowledge base of the Crime Scene Investigator. The emphasis was on maximising evidence recovery, fire investigation, explosives and firearms.

Initial Scenes of Crime

Initial training in Crime Scene Examination over a nine-week period. The emphasis being placed on mainly volume crimes such as burglary, offences against the person and vehicles involved in crime. The course covered three main modules of three weeks each, Photography, Forensics and Fingerprints. The course covered all aspects of photography, identification, recovery, packaging and labelling of forensic trace evidence and the presentation of evidence in court.

TCSM Course

Training providing cutting edge delivery and content in every aspect of TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) and other associated specialist matters.

5th Generation Warfare

The future of warfare and possible impacts on policing. This course examined new trends in warfare, from the onset of cyber war to the development of violent non-state actors with conventional military capabilities. Moreover, this course will explore the concept of the “gray zone,” an area of neither declared nor undeclared hostilities where U.S. adversaries like Russia, China, Iran and others are gradually allocating resources.

Advanced Counter Intelligence

Advanced Signals and Human Intelligence Operations. This programme served to highlight more sophisticated signal intelligence technology and upskilling the participants understanding of threats and techniques utilised by Foreign Intelligences Services.

Counterintelligence for Police

Hostile Human and Technical intelligence operations. The Counter Intelligence (CI) courses brings together a ‘real world’ platform through which to enhance our clients’ understanding of both human and technical operations; actively employed by friendly and hostile FIS.

Level 2 Covert Forensics

Training in Covert Forensic Techniques in association with the NPIA, SOCA and FSS. Security restrictions apply.

Blood Pattern Analysis

Introduction to and development of knowledge of Blood Pattern Analysis including the application of basic scientific methods, characteristics of liquid blood and blood droplets, crime scene examination and limitations in bloodstain pattern analysis conclusions.

Certificate in Professional

Policing (Ethics),

Professional development in Policing and Ethics which lead to a university certificate.

Royal Air Force Photographer and Air Photo Processor

Ground and air photography and photographic processing of film. Training to maintain and fit air cameras used for air-to-air and ground reconnaissance photography, processing the film and producing intelligence prints. Ground photography for technical and public relations.

Good Academic Practice

University of St Andrews pre-matriculation course with assessments to ensure the participants adhere to good academic practices. Good academic practice is about approaching and completing academic work to a high standard with integrity.

Simulation Training Methods

Interactive course exploring the use of, design and practicalities of using simulation training in the classroom, Minerva and Hydra simulation systems and ‘real-time’ practical scenarios.

Coaching and mentoring

A step-by-step coaching approach to help an employee improve and sustain their work performance through taking responsibility and self-discipline.

Blackboard eLearning Platform

Professional training in the Blackboard eLearning system with emphasis on the Teaching and Learning Administration, course file structure and design, course material upload and Assessment Administration.

Maximising Knowledge Transfer

Problem solving strategies and management techniques.

Motivating, Coaching, Counseling & Mentoring: Practical Tools for Effective Leadership

This course was presented in a highly inter-active manner integrated with computer presentations to explain a structured approach to motivating, coaching, counselling & mentoring which is effective when dealing with professionals or new recruits.

Health and Safety for Managers

Qualification in Health and Safety Management in the workplace.

Coaching for Performance

A step-by-step coaching approach to help an employee improve and sustain their work performance through taking responsibility and self-discipline.

Negotiation skills

Planning and influencing a position to get a ‘win-win’ situation, by the use of strategies, building trust and professional relationships. Recognising assertive, aggressive and submissive behaviors and planning suitable responses.

Fatal Fire Scene Investigation

Dealing with the professional guidelines, considerations and procedures when investigating fatal fires/explosions, to determine the origin and cause of the fire/explosion and the cause of death of the fatalities.

Managing Diversity,

Designed to develop a better understanding of the changing nature of society, legal aspects of equality and the benefits that can accrue from valuing diversity in clients, customers, colleagues and staff. The course dealt with the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations.

Field Drugs Testing,

Forensic Science Service instruction in the use of the Marquis Drugs Test Reagent for use in field testing. (Certified)

Malicious Fires

The course is for Crime Scene Investigators to give an understanding of the mechanics of fire. The course covered theory through lectures and practical exercises in a controlled environment. It was an opportunity to practice skills and develop knowledge in a realistic environment.

SATON Force, SATON Force (Senior Ammunition Technical Officer North) is a course facilitated by the Army EOD and SO.15 to instruct and inform on bomb disposal/interruption procedure and to give forensic examiners, and others, practical experience in post bomb scene examinations. I have attended this course on three occasions.

Equal Opportunities,

Course to familiarise the manager with the principles and practices involved in the Equal Opportunities legislation. To raise awareness of how Equal Opportunities applies to individuals and the workplace.

Facial Identification Operator

The course develops the essential skills for the role of facial identification in crime investigation including the legal evidential requirements.